Thank you for choosing Shay's delicious Chef Salads!
My salads are freshly made with organic vegetables and homemade dressings. My dressings are made from scratch, which promotes excellent benefits such as freshness, lower calorie intake, trans-fat free, and free of chemicals and preservatives.
Order your Shef Salad NOW!
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR MULTIPLE ORDERS: If you order two or more salads, please submit one order at a time. Once you have completed your submission on an order, please select "Add to Bag." Once it brings you to the check-out page, select "Continue Shopping" on the bottom left side of the screen - this allows you to add as many salads as you like as one order. Please repeat these steps on each submission. Once completed, select "Check-Out." You can also use this same step if you would like to add extra toppings or dressing. Just make a note to be specific on what salad the extras will be for.